Pretty Little Liars Season 2: Ep 1-11

Starring Lucy Hale, Ashley Benson, Shay Mitchell, and Troian Bellasario

Instead of analyzing the entire season episode by episode that have already passed, this post will catch us up over the summer with the highlights and then detail Episode 11 “I must confess”.

..Starting with the fact that this show is literally the most outrageous, impossible plot line on television.  Although there are tons of shows with supernaturals like zombies, or werewolves or vampires, Pretty Little Liars by far takes the cake on unrealistic plot lines.  I wish I could stop watching but somehow it just sucks you in.  This “A” person could not possibly be all the places, and see all things, and cause all the problems that they say he/she does.  And then there’s the fact that, seriously, not one policeman or detective or anyone can figure out who killed their friend and who is sending mysterious phone calls, texts, emails, and plotting to destroy FOUR different people’s lives? Even though I didn’t know what was going on for the entire first season and still the majority of the second, I LOVE this show and I actually cannot stop watching it.

Okay, so here are some brief thoughts about the season thus far:

High school student in no shape or form dress like these four girls do (especially Hannah- your formal dresses and heels are not high school appropriate).  We could also attribute this blatant disregard for factual representation to Adults Playing Teens.  Something screams TELEVISION SHOW when there are four amazingly dressed students among the rest of the grungy, normal high school kids.

One of my biggest problems with the show is most definitely Spencer Hastings, I mean, who writes her lines?  She couldn’t be more annoying.  Like the episode will actually be carrying on decent stories and then Spencer comes along and HAS to accuse someone else of murder (mind you, she is quick to judge seeing as both her and her ‘boyfriend’ were both unfairly accused of this same murder).  I really can’t even deal with any scene involving Spencer whining.

Let’s address the unrealistic nature of the relationship between Aria and Ezra.  Again I’d like to first say they are my favorites, but seriously?  She’s SIXTEEN and he’s a high school teacher turned college professor living in a small town… that would NEVER happen, aside from being really illegal.  Good message being sent to kids everywhere.

Did they cast Toby’s character with the idea in mind that they wanted someone the audience would be afraid of in the first few episodes? Well a note to the casting directors…he is still frightening and centaur looking regardless of the fact that we know he is not the killer.

The guidance counselor/shrink/therapist.  This is not an all-in-one position.  When she comes to the school to give the speech about cyberbulling, it is a clear “lesson” to the audience and also just her airing the girls’ dirty laundry in front of their entire school.  Well done with those confidentiality rules.

Another issue I have with this show that was brought back to my attention in this episode is with Emily being a lesbian.  I have no problem with lesbians, I’m all for gay rights. However, it is unbelievably unrealistic that there would be this many (6 or 7) HOT lesbians at the age of senior in high school all in one town population like 1000.  Beyond unrealistic.  Those things don’t exist.  That’s like saying there are 7 hot guys that live in my building. And by the way…I live in a duplex.

EPISODE 11 “I Must Confess”

There’s nothing like a real mood killer in the scene where Spencer and Toby are full fledged going at it in a car (which is a bit 90′s if you ask me) than seeing shadows spying on you and then having your dad barge out of the house screaming at you.  You would think these kids would learn a few things like stay indoors at night and keep the lights on or go outside only during the day, and lastly don’t trek around in the woods when you know someone is out there for you.  This goes for you too shrink lady.  You’ve now had your office broken into, tapped, and gotten those infamous mysterious phone calls so I think it’s about time you start turning on your lights in your office.

Next, Hannah’s hair in the rehearsal dinner scene looks like one of those sour patch kids from the commercial took a scissor to the back of it but this time wasn’t there to be cute and apologize.

The scene where Spencer flashes back brings me to yet another very serious issue.  First and foremost, the girl who plays Allison (Sasha Pieterse) is actually 14 and yet the way she portrays this dead friend of their’s makes her seem like a 25 year old porn star.  Seriously, who approved the direction of that scene with her being so seductive?

I have very few other thoughts about the episode, except that for some strange reason at the end, the doctor reveals that she knows who “A” is and thinks this is a good idea.  Let me quickly explain why this is NOT a good idea.  First of all, this “mysterious psycho killer torturer” is after anyone that knows any sort of information.  So why you would reveal that you know who “A” is over the telephone seems unintelligent.  Makes sense that the shrink dink went missing immediately after when the girls finally showed up to hear the information.  I just saw the previews for next week…I will DEFINITELY be updating because it seems there are dolls, locked garages with girls passing out from exhaust fumes, secret notes and more mysteries that make no sense!


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