Whitney Pilot

Oh weird, this poster adds even more confusion to what this show is possibly about

ATTENTION: Spoiler Alert (not really, because I’m still not sure what this was about)

So I normally write with the intention of who ok’d fill in the blank of any specific aspect of the show.  Within the first few seconds of pressing play my question became “who ok’d even the idea of the show?”  Furthermore, WHAT is the idea of this show.  Like I need to know what originally pitched, because it could not have possibly be what was seen in this pilot.  If this is the kind of pilot that was OK’d for this season, I’d REALLY like to know what was rejected.  Seriously though, not exaggerating, do you know how many people saw this pilot and thought it was OK to continue endorsing, spending money on and promoting?  Let me tell you.  WAY TOO MANY to still have faith in the entertainment business. However, on the plus side, I might have an easier time finding a job once this pilot airs.

Let’s break it down…

Who ok’d the casting of this show? It is the most random mish mosh of characters who would NEVER know each other let alone be friends in real life.  With that said, I don’t know anyone’s name, their back story, why they all know each other, or anything other than each one individually annoys me.  On top of that, Whitney Cummings plays herself but everyone else has a character? I don’t get it.

Who ok’d the writing of this show? First thoughts: TRYING. TOO. HARD. Each line is meant to be funny…and not a single one was. I’d like to pay particular attention to the flop of a line that involved something about a vagina bedazzling kit… really not sure what was happening at that point.

Due to the fact that I don’t know what this show was about, who these people are, what the plot line was, and why it was green lighted, I really don’t have much more to say. Safe to say, this is probably the last time you will see this show on the blog, mostly because it’s terrible, but also because it will probably be cancelled after one episode – this one.

I will conclude with: when was the last time a show used a laugh track since The Brady Bunch?  Not only do I questioned who OK’d the USE of a laugh track, but also whether the operator had seen the same episode I did when hitting the “Laugh Now” button.


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