Hart of Dixie S2E2: Bluebellapalooza.. Something from My Worst Nightmare

Oh Hart of Dixie, my favorite dose of overly dramatized reality featuring an unusually well-styled doctor.  Sometimes I’m not sure where the show ends and commercials for Rachel Bilson’s ShoeMint begins.  At least this episode helps with that problem because of all the racy with all these sex scenes.  But what is that are those corset-esque lace bra lingerie things Zoe keeps wearing?  Does she not have access to regular bras?

How old is this Ruby person?  She actually looks young, but I’m suspicious of any young person who has had that much botox.  The top half of her face doesn’t move… at all.

This starting to feel like a Secret Life after-school special with all this talk about Wade and Zoe sex habits.  Don’t get me wrong, I’m actual Team Wade (eh most of the time), but I just don’t think the entire town should be involved in this embarrassing discussion of Zoe declaring she’s ‘quitting’ sex with Wade, and yet doesn’t, and just keeps talking about it. It’s fairly embarrassing.

Does the CW know how to put on a show without a musical guest every other episode?  Bluebellapalooza? … They make it too easy.

I don’t quite understand how George Tucker was “Mr. Charming” and the town’s golden boy all last season.  He was even able to flirt it up with Zoe and make her swoon;  however now that he is officially single he has the knowledge of girls and game of a junior high boy.  And Wade, let’s not pretend your ‘game’ is anything more than just smiling at a girl and she’s in your bed.  This bro-bonding in the form of picking up girls is comical.  Bump, set, and spike?  A volleyball analogy? Really, Wade? And thank you George Tucker for making us all endure our first bout of second-hand embarrassment. Watching him try to pick up a girl in the bar

HAHA. I’m so glad the CW lathered Wade up in baby oil so he could answer the door glistening, shirtless in jeans.  Nicely done, that looked VERY natural…  And OF COURSE Zoe has to drive a Prius.. And that gave a great opportunity for CW’s co-sponsor BING to place an advertisement.

Best line: “I would have paid you 100 buck to not hear you say any of that.”  ME TOO Levon, I’d also pay that much to never hear Rachel Bilson say ‘boo-ya’ again.

That brings us to back to Bluebellapalooza.  First of all, I don’t even know what to say about this ‘alternative’ singer for the festival.  She’s cray and completely feeds stereotypes about crazy girls who fall for anything guys say.  And then AT the festival, what is this ‘eclectic indie crowd’ that has gathered in the TOWN SQUARE in this hick town in Alabama. Ignoring the fact that this would never happen, what kind of assembly of fake hipsters is this?

Someone needs to tell Magnolia that she is NOT Taylor Swift.  And someone needs to tell Brick that having a daughter work at the Rammer Jammer, is WAY less embarrassing than letter your TSwift-wannabe daughter dye her hair pink and blue to match her pink guitar.

I love it when Dr. Zoe Hart messes something up, and is able to save the day in the last 6 minutes of the show….. OMG wait this actually IS shocking.  I did NOT predict George Tucker/Scott Porter singing on stage. I don’t know what to say. Can someone please tell Hollywood that just because an actor is on a show, doesn’t necessarily mean he/she can act, and it definitely doesn’t indicate he/she should start a singing career! (One Tree Hill was by far the worst offender in that regard.)  Because I picked on George Tucker already quite a bit this season, I’m going to skip over critique of the actual performance… let’s just say it will be too soon if I never seeing him point at the crowd while holding a microphone.

Best part of the episode was Eli Young Band playing at an inappropriately loud volume so I didn’t even have to hear the final dialogue.  I love that I can always count on this show to provide quality cringe- and blog- worthy material.

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One thought on “Hart of Dixie S2E2: Bluebellapalooza.. Something from My Worst Nightmare

  1. Melissa says:

    I am from Alabama, and I was searching the internet to make sure that others from Alabama have also mocked the stupidity of the creators of this show for producing such an imaginary representation of my state. Have these people ever visited Alabama? This show is not at all believable. My state is no different than others, I have never seen anyone in Alabama dress up in Gone With the Wind garb and act as if this is normal. Its somewhat offensive. Also, there is a huge Indie music following in Alabama just as well as the rest of the country (Have you ever been to Birmingham? Hipsters EVERYWHERE). We do have festivals surrounding us. Where I live, less than two hours from Bonnaroo, I can drive a max of 6 hours and hit 4 amazing festivals (at least). So yeah, I don’t think you or anyone having anything to do with this show know anything about Alabama or the people who live here.

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