I am excited about this pilot.  Mainly because I have ZERO bias or opinions going into it.  Normally with a CW show, you are guaranteed a ridiculous promo poster or some sort of re-used actor, but with this, everything is unknown.  The only thing I have going in watching Reign, is that a friend of mine said there is “disturbing sex”…? So, yeah, there’s that. Now let’s begin.


Either the CW promo poster department is realizing how bad they are at their jobs, or these actors were too unknown to even attempt a poster

We start out with an insanely creepy dinner scene at a convent where a nun starts foaming at the mouth and bleeding from her ears…and everyone watches, and basically goes about their day as normal.  What poison works that immediately and causes one to bleed from their ears?

Wait, now there are ghosts? If this is another supernatural show, than the CW is 99% all supernatural shows, with the exception of Hart of Dixie.

Were there buzz cuts in the 1800’s?  Let me answer that for you…there weren’t. Let’s start keeping track of historical inaccuracies. I’m by no means a history expert, but there is no way that so many of these things are even close to accurate.  So I am going to start a count of my own historical inaccuracies.  30 seconds in and we already have 1 (probably more, but I just decided to start counting). Well done CW, well done.  I guess the budget didn’t allow for a fact checker on this show.  They also apparently had highlights, hair straighteners and Coachella hipster headbands in the 1800’s, in case you were wondering.  Kidding, they didn’t.  We are now up to 17 points of inaccuracies.  WHOA, it’s not just highlights on Coachella girl, it’s OMBRE.

Ah now it makes sense.  The runners up to the roles in PLL were then cast in Reign.  Well joke’s on you PLL, because Reign is WAY more fashionable.


Fake 1800’s wardrobe > modern day wardrobe

OMG that crown the king is wearing looks exactly like the ones they give out at Burger King! How cool that everyone can share in the wardrobe from Reign!

Another full scene later and I still cannot talk about the outfits of these girls.  Like, girls in the 1800s just DID NOT have that stuff.  Did I just hear a cell phone?  I couldn’t be sure but definitely wouldn’t put it past anyone here.  Putting makeup on with wooden sticks does not make anything more believable here prop department, sorry.

I missed it the first time so I just want to make sure everyone else got it…Bash is a nickname for Sebastian, the half bastard brother (Kit Harrington kills this role). What happened to calling people Sir, Lord, Grace, anything other than casual nicknames?  I’m really glad I am simultaneously watching Game of Thrones to keep me in the know about what life was REALLY like back then.

Based on the music choices, i think it is safe to say that they weren’t even trying to pretend they wanted to be historically accurate there.  The rest is still questionable, but the music – definitely not.

OMG all of these dresses. They’re strapless. and sheer beaded. and they are frolicking around like they are at a high school dance or a slumber party. so moving forward, I’m going to just assume that no one working on this show has ever done a single second of research into what the 1800’s really were like.  My count is not infinity for costumers, props, hair and makeup. no. no no no. now there are FEATHERS coming from the sky. Why are there feathers falling from the ceiling at the ball? I can’t even make fun of this because it is a serious concern for me.  The simultaneous flashbacks to Mary and Frances’s time at the castle as kids just need to stop. They can’t be much older than 15 currently, so the flashbacks to age 9 are just ridiculous. That’s like yesterday.

This must be the disturbing sex my friend was referring to.  The fact that everyone creepily WATCHES them have sex on their wedding night makes my eyes bleed. Nope, that part wasn’t what my friend was talking about…she must have been referring to the moment where Coachella girl is fantasizing about anyone? and then the KING pops up behind her and she is taken aback only before giving in 3 seconds later…? I just don’t even know how to describe what just happened nor do I have any idea where they are going with this one.

This person with the potato sack over her head is so terrifying.

And it’s decided. This is my new 90210, only an even better version. Welcome to the blog as a series regular, Reign.  You are in good company here.

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