Category Archives: Teen Wolf

SEASON 2 Teen Wolf: Where It All Began…

So, the trailer for the second season of Teen Wolf on MTV was just released.  This show is especially dear to my heart, as it is the reason I started this blog last summer.  This second season promises to provide just as much entertainment… I know what I’ll be doing June 3 🙂

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Teen Wolf Season 1

From Left to Right: Stiles (Dylan O’Brien), Lydia (Holland Roden), Scott (Tyler Posey), Allison (Crystal Reed), and Derek (Tyler Hoechlin)

This blog was started after the finale of this show. But this post will be an overarching analysis of the show, but specific to the season finale.

To start off with those who are unfamiliar according to IMDB, this is what Teen Wolf is about: A somewhat awkward teen is attacked by a werewolf and inherits the curse itself, as well as the enemies that come with it.

First of all…WHERE was this filmed? Some of these sets such as the rock where Scott howls looks like something I played on in kindergarten.

Allison’s mom and dad…or should I say double dads…because the mom is a man.  And even if she was a woman, those two would NEVER be married. Ever. In a million years.  So my question is who made that casting decision and do they still have a job?

Allison’s dad and his sister have a truly disgusting relationship. If I ever act like that with my brother or anyone acts like that with a sibling, we have some serious problems.

Note to all actors: ominous music does not make you a better performer.

Note to all Adults Playing Teens…we are aware of the group of creepy older people trying to act among the actual high school aged extras running around the set.  You do not fit in well.

That scene where they “killed” the alpha….who directed that. Normally a group of 17 year olds are that calm when there is a GIANT werewolf on fire trying to kill you.  When I was in high school I, too, had magic liquid to burn a werewolf and needed my friend to seductively shoot a bow and arrow into the bottle so it bursts all over him and burns him alive.   I realize that is all part of the plot line so I am okay with what happened during the scene.  I am not okay with the amateur director that told the actors to be perfectly calm during the whole thing.

I would like to give them credit in this episode for the romance angles…they weren’t too cheesey and they were high school appropriate for both Scott and Allison and Stiles and Lydia…they warmed my little heart.

Character analysis:

–  Kate the sister/aunt/secret lover: why does she seem as though she is a dominatrix in a soft core porn episode even when acting with her neice. Strutting around with belts filled with werewolf-killing

– Dylan O’Brien single handedly carries the show from a comical perspective.  Hidden gem that one.

– Nothing against Tyler Posey, who I happen to find slightly attractive, in both human and wolf forms…although he may have peaked in Maid in Manhattan…I wasn’t aware the stylist for Ryan Atwood on the OC was back to replicate the hoodie under leather jacket look for Scott McCall.  The clothes aren’t the only thing Tyler has borrowed from Ryan Atwood…he also clearly took notes on the art form of brooding.

–  Derek Hale dies pretty much almost every episode and miraculously comes back to life.  I don’t ever know whether he is alive or dead or dying.  Additionally, he is questionably a good or bad guy depending on the episode.  I am going to assume he is currently a bad guy but I can never be so sure.

–  Jackson – nothing personal against him…fairly good looking…however, any teenage boy that cries and trembles ON THE REG does not contribute to the storyline, nor do his “deer in headlights, confused/overwhelmed” acting looks. I STILL don’t know what is going on whenever Jackson is around.  Also, how can someone who knows SO little about the situation ALWAYS mess everything up?  And lastly, straight high school athletes do not brag about Hugo Boss.  The truth is, Jackson is probably my favorite because he is currently linked to Lauren Conrad. I don’t know which is more embarrassing for him…a romance with LC or his role on Teen Wolf?

– Who is the vet?  this man is still a mystery to me.

Overall, even though I am often sitting here with a glass or bottle of wine in hand, which could impair my judgment, the plot lines are highly complex and seem a bit confusing for the projected audience.  With that said, this TV Queen is still intrigued and I will be tuning in for season 2.
