Tag Archives: Adderall

90210 S4E9: See you in fake drug addiction rehab, Dixon

Rehab for “ADHD medication addiction”?  hmmk.

Did I miss the origin of the sexual tension between Ivy and this person/teacher that I’ve never met?

Nothing says hardcore baddass DUDE like working on your motorcycle when you’re modeling agents approach you in a parking lot.

Belly shirt/baby tees are back in style?!!?  Thank you Annie, no one in this decade has heard yet! And I’m sorry that the man who hires escorts didn’t turn out to be your true love…. WOAH… not even a belly shirt!!  a “bra-shirt”!

Okay, let’s be honest.  No one can take the girl in Naomi’s fake sorority seriously if they have EVER seen Grey’s Anatomy where she plays the Orthodox Jew who refused to have a pig valve put in her that would save her life.

I do have to feel bad for Silver when Teddy’s wedding video is leaked by accident – no wait I don’t.  I still don’t understand why you filmed it in the first place.

No one feels sorry for Liam because he can’t drive a race car, yet seems to be getting paid millions (see my commentary on his salary). GET A CLUE… ohhh man rebel with a cause!  Liam goes surfing… claiming it here and now – Liam somehow breaches the contract doing a usually harmless activity.

Let’s talk about how Dixon’s ‘addiction’ was fake in the first place, but he hasn’t even had any in a large amount of time, seemingly OVER the fake addiction, WHYYYY does he need $40,000 rehab?

Brandi, you are not a cut-throat politician, i can only hope you win and never return.  Let’s keep this show to the CW acting pros, who wear their V-necks with style.

The definition of fame in this show is largely confused.  Teenage girls don’t watch the news. Period.  So no, they wouldn’t walk by Teddy and recognize as the gay guy who got married.  As if that would even be something to recognize! And furthermore, are we just to assume, those giddy girls at the beach posted pics of Liam that exploded and his agent saw?  Come on, where’s the backstory?  Things are just happening with no explanation. And honestly, if Liam hooks up with his agent’s assistant, I quit.

Oh surprise! Liam can hot-wire cars and Ivy wins the competition. This show definitely keeps me on edge. At least they wear helmets and clothes for safety.

YES! Sexual tension continues with the promise of teacher and Ivy in New Guinea.

YES AGAIN! Annie whores herself out for rehab for her brother who doesn’t need it for his fake addiction!  My roommate will be so grateful when I send her to rehab for taking her prescription drugs.


OMG Dixon doesn’t need an in-patient rehab… maybe just a roommates who doesn’t have a prescription considering he only BOUGHT medication ONCE.  I know said this before, but I seriously can’t talk about this plot line anymore.  It’s so upsetting/confusing. IT IS NOT AN ADDICTIVE DRUG

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90210 S4E7 I staged a walkout for myself

Okay, since we are a few behind… I have a few notes from last episode:

DIXON YOU ARE NOT ON SPEED.  Adderall is not that addictive of a drug, especially because your “problem” started approximately 4 days ago.

BRANDI. Going no where in your career, this is not at all a low point it is just so unnecessary…you are already so irrelevant.  Going on a show like 90210 is not going to trigger your career boost…it’s just going to remind people what a loser you are. (see Elizabeth Hurley and David Wallace)

Kelli Pickler, you are better than this.

Alright, see ya Max.  It was fun pretending that you and Naomi would have gone out for so long in real life.

I’m going to talk about this again because I can’t believe it was so easily forgotten about: WHAT ABOUT LIAM AND ANNIE?  I still don’t believe that over all that, they are both so over their breakup.  It’s killing me.  And to add insult to injury I have to deal with this Annie/old-man-that-hires-escorts situation.

Silver and straight-haired Navid are killing me.  Silver.  CHILL OUT.

Okay, Halloween episode:

Ignoring all my issues with Dixon’s “drug” problem, WHY does Adriana have to get involved.  And by involved I mean ruining things as usual

I don’t even know what happened the rest of this episode because I had to leave my friend watching alone sometime during Naomi’s confessional at the party, because the second-hand embarrassment was too extreme.

I hope I can fill in the blanks during the next episode, because I really just can’t attempt watching it again.

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