Tag Archives: Animal Practice

Animal Practice

This poster doesn't exactly reassure me about the quality of this show.  And it also looks like a parody skit they would have on SNL

So it was pretty rough to even force myself to watch this one in the first place.  This pilot takes me back to last year and the creation of this blog when I really just have to take a step back and ask, WHO OK’D THIS???  And this year I kept up with the news throughout pilot season, and I’m aware of the ones that didn’t make it; and I can’t speak for the quality of ones that weren’t picked up in the final stage, but I can strongly question the people who ordered this pilot to be made in the first place!!  Based on plot summary alone, I could have told you — THIS ISN’T YOUR WINNER.  Honestly the review for this is brief because it was just so bad that I couldn’t even find the words.  Plus there is just so much going on, it’s hard to really zero on each problem.

Let’s start with some initial thoughts about the cast. IS that the mom from Sister Sister?  I’m sorry, the monkey is called Dr. Rizzo?  Is the monkey supposed to be like a psych patient who thinks it works there, or is it a pet? OR is everyone there crazy and think that it’s okay to be talking to a monkey like it’s an employee??

And then we meet Joanna Garcia, or DOROTHY???  I can confidently say that Dorothy is a name that hit it’s peak circa Wizard of Oz and  has almost become completely extinct.  Literally.  I don’t a single person named Dorothy.  The last person i did know was my great-grandmother and she died.  Let’s leave well enough alone and not start bringing it back.  It’s distracting.

At least we have the token diverse character (awkward Asian who listens to Cats the Musical)

I just noticed that main guy (who I will just call Andy because I can only think of Weeds when I look at him) seems to have a tint of auburn in his hair…. and Joanna Garcia’s hair is back to a dark auburn as well… weird coincidence? or effort to teach the world to mainstream the ginger population….

Either way, he’s trying to pull off a House-like character, like overly mean and sour.. it’s a little uncomfortable because the other doctors are just so lame that it’s like awkward bullying.

Also, I’m no expert on doctor apparel, but I’m going to go out on a limb and say that doctors or hospital personal do not wear 5 inch heels for work. Take note, wardrobe.

There was potentially a good dig in there about Arbys until it turned out that it was actually a weird sort of promotion? Not sure about..

Overall, this show greatly confuses me.  It is supposed to be a comedy? Or is it more of a drama (a la Grey’s Anatomy for animals)?  Do hospitals for pets designed exactly designed like that really even exist?  And I still can’t determine whether the creators of the show are trying to over-dramatize the pet doctors in a hyperbolic fashion, or if they just think that’s how it is. Don’t really care to tune again to find out.

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