Tag Archives: Annie Hobbs

Until Next Season, Lying Game

This is a double post about the last two episodes of season one.

I didn’t address this at the time that it happened. But in the “previously on The Lying Game” they reminded me of how uncomfortable i got when Laurel said”There was no waiting at the squatter inn…been there done that” when referring to having sex for the first time with your HOMELESS boyfriend. So cringe-worthy.

I hate this girl from Friday Night Lights because the story line between her and Tim Riggins was SO unrealistic and now I hate her even more because she is more annoying on this show than that…although I actually didn’t think it was possible. Especially with that maroon mop on top of her head that is a cross between AC Slater and Shirley Temple.

Does all Nathan Petrelli do is drive? Because he seems to quite quickly get from LA to Phoenix back to LA like four times in one day.

This is why they shouldn’t encourage the “love” situation.  Because then we are stuck listening to conversations between moms and kids about how they’ve know their boyfriend for three weeks

Why is Sutton wearing the same pants as the clown on stilts at the circus?!! I literally cannot hear what you are talking about because all I can do is stare at your pants! WHO OK’D THAT????

I wasn’t going to address the casino party but then I saw FNL girl’s top.  That color, that material, those rhinestones…I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that. NOT. DEAD. Then there’s the soundtrack to address…which I have decided is the female equivalent of Hot Chelle Rae.  If you don’t know who that is…look it up.  And you will understand my pain.

Honestly I don’t even know what to say about finale.  I actually feel like nothing happened.  Also, someone feel free to explain to me what David Wallace said to Laurel’s boyfriend…. I definitely missed that entire conversation and now I don’t know what’s going on there.  Thanks a lot, David Wallace.  You’re presence is so distracting.

That birthday dress.  No Comment.

I predict that next season (and as soon as they finished filming that scene), Thayer, Mads, and Nathan Petrelli all hook up.  Why do they have the most awkward sexual tension and innuendos???  AND WHY DID NATHAN PETRELLI GET SUTTON A SECRET GIFT???  That is highly inappropriate

Do kids watching this show have nightmares about female Michael Jackson (aka Annie Hobbs)  because the way she creepily shows up on camera is a little unsettling for me

I’m not even sure if this show was renewed, but I won’t be too heartbroken either way.  I would be most curious to find out what they could possibly base an entire second season on… because once everyone knows there are two twins, it seems like the mystery is over, right?

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