Tag Archives: Dew Drops

A few things about Secret Circle

So I haven’t really been able to write about Secret Circle because it’s so AWESOME AND INTENSE that i have to stay alert to keep up.  Aside from the terrible acting and overall lameness of people, I’m not embarrassed to say this is one of my favs each week.   That being said, I can now take a step back to call out some bad judgement calls that we have come to expect and love from the CW.

Oh, and here is another promotional poster featuring NOT BRITT ROBERTSON... WHO IS THIS GIRL???

Now at least they have given the dew dropsa rest, but the intro credits?  Still weird and creepy.  My friend and I have taken to singing along to the creepy “theme song” every time it comes on because it is more fun that way than waiting for it to be something different.

Super young grandma. Just pointing it out again.  Speaking of, Cassie’s “I’m a witch!” revelation to her grandma was so cheesy.  But at least they found a way to incorporate teen grandmother, because before that we hadn’t seen her since the first episode because apparently she lived in a different house than Cassie except for when they need to have super awkward breakfast conversation.

OMG and then they subject us to a dessert sex scene with the two most asexual characters on the show? really???? This makes me squirm.

About the “demon” episode — or what I like to call the worms.  Because aside from literally illustrating my worst fears (something crawling through my ear while I’m sleeping) the concept of this demons was only like a quarter thought out.  Good thing the demon entered the best actress on the show.  Also the demon (apparently the same one) made the other woman incoherent and immobile OR a crazy psycho actual demon.  I don’t know where this manipulative sex kitten came from in that plain girl who’s name I don’t know.  It would be one thing if this “demon” was an actual presence that entered your body, but because its a worm there is no way it has this many thoughts.

Now about the Halloween episode…

Okay, it’s time to address Faye again.  Besides the fact that her Australian accent slips through often and makes her sounds like a transvestite, her character is not real and those other goodygoodys would never hang out with her.  Her slutiness is so unwarranted all the time.  Like WHO are you hitting on?   And that creepy stare she does while she says something bitchy?  Is that a tactic?  It makes her look insane.  …. so those are my thoughts on her on a REGULAR basis, and THEN i have to deal with her first Halloween ‘costume.’  By costume I mean NECKLACE taped to her boobs.  What was the point of this scene???  I get Halloween is slutty, but that isn’t slutty, she was literally just topless, isn’t this show on the CW?  And then the scene lasted about 10 minutes of awkward exchange with Cassie the 12 year old.

The party – what high school Halloween party looks like that?  Aside from the red cups and alcohol, nothing there resembled an actually high school party. no high schooler would have taken that much effort in a party sans parents.  In addition, who paid for that??? Come on set designers, let’s be realistic.

The top movies on his IDMB further support my claims.... Thir13en Ghosts, The Exorcism... Really?

But alas, we have another adult in this show who needs to be addressed: the head witchhunter.  Look familiar to you?  Oh it’s because he was a WEREWOLF HUNTER on Teen Wolf… I mean it’s a sad time when you are typecast as eliminator of supernatural creatures.  I know they are all the rage now… just wait, hunter of teens on terrible shows isn’t a huge resume builder.

I’m ignoring the whole Cassie, Adam, Diana love triangle because it’s annoying.

This episode actually gets good though and then I remember why I love it.  It’s fairly backloaded with interesting things, but the drama makes up for it.  Chris Zylka is surprisingly good in this show considering his past credits include 10 Things I Hate About You (THE TV SHOW) and Teen Spirit (THE TV MOVIE)… not saying I watch them… but maybe I did.

THIS IS NOT A MENS VNECK. Actually it can't even be considered a Vneck period. It should just be called Men's Fitted Chest-bearing Tee

Concept question:  why did they make the circle up of 4 girls and 2 boys and then kill one of them off?  Helloooo we need a little more masculinity than make-up-face Adam and wears-innapropriately-low-cut-vnecks Jakes —which reminds me… are you serious?  I actually don’t even know if that shirt could be considered a VNeck – it’s like a woman’s scoop neck for sluts.  WHO OK’D THAT??  (Answer:  Probably the same person picking out Stephan’s vnecks)

Well, good thing the entire circle wasn’t killed.  I was really on edge there for a second thinking that all the main characters were going to be killed in the 6 episode….


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