Tag Archives: Greek Life

90210 S4E4 ugh.. More Greek Life Cliches

We’re off to a great start when I learned that we were going to be involved in some sort of “Greek Games.”  This is going to be gold.  Already proven correct when I see the “kappas” running in a line through the student center in pink velour pants with pink tank tops and their hair freshly curled.  I am not even going to comment on how incorrect of a representation of Greek life that is.  And trust me, I know some crazyyy sorority girls, but I don’t know a single one that would be on board for that.

YESSSS cowboy is back. Ughhhh and then it’s ruined. when he makes out with Naomi. I can only assume that they will start hooking up and then somehow she’ll ruin it by being whiney and annoying.

I now know why all the other shows are experiencing a “hot guy” drought.  Because everyone hot is on 90210.  Who is this gorgeous creature that started chatting up Adriana?  Sorry cowboy, you’ve been replaced by the stalker.

I said it before, and I’ll say it again.  I am NOT OKAY with the adderall addiction they have created for Dixon.

Okay let’s go back to the “Greek Games.”  This was really the most offensive scene of all time.  Let’s list: 1) like I predicted, Naomi started to like cowboy and is now upset because he was using her…shocker.  2) the “games” being performed range from popping a water balloon on your partner, a pie eating contest, surfing, volleyball, and girls fighting in bikinis over a tub of slime.  This group of activities is like a bad combination of a county fair, my 5th grade field day, and a frat guy’s dream.  3) Dixon approaches the party frat who are all wearing tie dye, in an attempt to score some adderall.  Except he refers to them first as “homework helpers” then pills, then ADHD medication. Homework helpers?!?! The only accurate thing about this whole Dixon adderall addiction story line, is that someone sells their prescription for a profit.  Ah the good old days.

Also, I think I have to credit to adults in THIS show. Unlike most, it seems that the usual adults have completely jumped ship from this show to the point that their absence doesn’t even make sense.  Like didn’t they have enough money for one of their kids to go to college at one point?  Why can’t Annie be using that money?  Why is their mom in Paris?  Did i miss all of that?  And then the whole teacher and Jen and their baby.. blegh good riddance.

And OH MY GOSH.  I don’t even know where to start with Liam’s Bar’s commercial.  I must even start with the fundamental wrong in that one.  Who came up with that?  Like sat in a room and was like, yes, this is it.  I mean the scene of them filming it alone was so not OK, but then the result?…I can’t … just see for yourself (btw of COURSE i could find this on YouTube):

Wait. wait wait wait. Are they bringing people back from the dead in ghost form on 90210 again? Oh wow, that was just my first reaction (obviously do to supernatural overload on televison), but actually this little twist is very interesting AND unexpected.  Nicely done, 90210.  I’m intrigued.  And double points for creating a dramatic plotline involving Adriana that doesn’t make me want to punch her in the face.

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