Tag Archives: JBD

Jane by Design: Pilot

I had to ignore the 2 episodes of 90210 that I am behind on in addition to the series premieres of Pretty Little Liars and Lying Game in order to address the gem that is Jane by Design.  The reason that it was so important that I watched this is that based on the previews, I can conclude:

1. the entire concept is a daydream of a junior high kid who thinks that you can be in high school and have a full time FASHION job in New York City (I have to go back to my fundamental question WHO OK’D THIS??)

2. I honestly for curiosity sake must know what job they are associating with making 33,000 dollar starting salary in the fashion industry period. Let alone for a part-time high school student. Oh yeah, IN NEW YORK. New York get ready for an influx of children who are expecting that their lives will be just like Jane’s.

3. I am pretty sure that Hudg’s new “wannabe-Zac Efron-but-looks-like-Chord Overstreet” beau is in this show, just trying to follow in his girlfriend’s shoes of really impressive acting. Disclaimer: it may not be him, I can’t be totally sure because they all look alike, but also, I don’t care.

Okay, we can start now. Do parents really still give cars that backfire? I am pretty sure that is seriously dangerous and if a car is doing that, it is no indication of it being cheap and old…just broken.


WOW the mohawk on the supposed Hudg boyfriend. Let me show you a picture of the hawk. (I name it this because there is slightly more effort put into it than a faux hawk, but also the sides aren’t shaved like a mohawk…just gelled back).

Why are the popular kids glowing???

Who is this guy in her apartment that she is speaking to? Is he her dad? Because she is older than him. Verdict: he is the brother. Either way, really creepy that we were so concerned and on edge for a LONG while.

Also, I was on the job hunt for a solid three months (you remember that time when this amazing blog started) and I never once acted like that while waiting for an interview.

At least we now know that Jane was accepted instantaneously to an executive assistant by accident and she isn’t actually a part of some high school program. I am only slightly more okay with this fictional situation that would never happen.

I can’t look directly at those things the make up department is calling eyebrows on that one girl’s face.

Are we pretending that “the next Tom Ford” is straight? k fine ill go with it. because now i am more annoyed at the fact that Jane and this guy are brand new best friends and she all of the sudden is confident enough to accuse him of hitting on her and then deny him?? I think the fact checker must be out on sick leave. Or they are busy not doing their job on one of the other highly unrealistic shows on ABC Family (see Pretty Little Liars or The Lying Game).

The token popular black girl’s name is LOU?!?

CW did you sell your sell your one super deep v-neck to ABC Family? What are Chris Zylka and Paul Wesley going to wear??

I wish someone had explained to me why these two odd ball outcasts are best friends? The punk rock kid and the outcast nerdy girl would never even know one another. At least give me the excuse that they are childhood friends that grew up together or something.

I can’t believe it took this long to have a fashion montage of her posing in clothes that aren’t hers while dancing to some cheesy predictable song like “Raise Your Glass.”

The verdict is still out on this one…I am intrigued.

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