Tag Archives: Pants

I Just Want My Pants Back – Sneak Peek

The trailer leads you to believe that this is the premise for this show: a guy meets a girl, they hook up, she wears his pants home the next day as to “not be seen in the same outfit” and the guy spends the rest of the series biking around manhattan in search of his pants — Just to clarify…not in search of the girl…in search of the pants.

The episode begins with a no name actor and no name actress in a bar getting high and saying one repulsive comment after the other.

As this guy hits on this girl you just want to scream STOP TALKING.  And then turn to the girl and say STOP LISTENING AND WALK AWAY.

Naturally like ever drunken bar night on MTV, they end up in his kitchen? having sex…and by kitchen I mean she suggests they “do it in his fridge.”  This is just real weird already.

The biggest issue I have with this whole “pants” premise is that the pants fit her.  She’s a thin girl too so why these pants fit just makes no sense.  Which leads me back to the issue of who ok’d this premise in the first place.

Also the main “actor and actress” both look like theyre 15…so it makes no sense why they are out drinking at bars and talking about sex slash having it.

Then there’s the offensive scene where they audition MIDGETS to be pieces of fruit.  The word offensive in this case means that it is actually offensive…not in TV Queen’s definition but in the literal meaning of the word.

Then comes the big shocker…that she gave him a fake number.

He spends the next night having a heartfelt conversation about why the girl would take his pants if she wasn’t planning on seeing him again…I don’t know you weirdo but im thinking she did you a favor considering THEY FIT HER. Buy some new pants.

At the end, his friends all give him the sound advice of “let’s find you a new girl” but all he wants is his pants.

My tivo unfortunately cut off before I could find out what happened in the last six minutes of this show but truly I couldn’t have been happier because I didn’t know how much more of it I could watch.  I Just Want My Pants Back isn’t supposed to air until 2012, and I can only hope that in between now and then someone comes to their senses and cancels this stupid thing.   I have a feeling, though, that I will be writing more come early 2012.

I can’t link the video because it isn’t up on YouTube (probably because even YouTube has standards), but if you like self-torture you can see the trailer through the story below:




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