Tag Archives: Pit Stains

S3E3 Make It or Break It: They forgot what hygiene is

Not to be really rude and critical of people but I have a hard time watching scenes with Jordan in them because her sideburns are SO distracting.

Oh is THAT what they give you to wear at hospitals??? Hospital-issued kimonos. Do I get to choose the pattern? Colors? Length?

Little miss sunshine is the most irritating human being on television right now. I can’t hear what she is saying because her voice is so high that I literally can’t understand the words coming out of her mouth. Are they screeches or does she have thoughts? I don’t know. Also, this psycho side of her where she sets off fire alarms and stares creepily at people is so weird.

Tonight I have a guest who is watching Make it or Break it with me tonight. She actually said “Do you know what kind of self-loathing these adults must feel who are in these shows?” I couldn’t agree more – see Adults In These Shows.

YESSSS DJ Tanner is back! How I’ve missed you and your obsession with Jesus.

Austin’s fake tan – sick. Wait, are they trying to cover up his tattoo and did THAT bad of a job??? Or is his tattoo that bad and faded? Either way, not okay.

Not only is “glam time” over for Lauren – but apparently they just threw a bucket of acid on her face. No one gets that ugly in three days just cause they found out about an illness they have lived with their whole lives.

There’s nothing LESS manly than a guy telling me about his floor routine. Just saying even though they have great bodies – still just no. Oh but then there is that moment where Kaylie gives Austin a page from her journal in a frame. How incredibly lame of you.

OMG Peyson is that your pit stain???? I am so grossed out and disturbed about the fact that they used that shot of her when they could have so easily re-shot that. Clearly ABC Family has also given up on this show. That is so gross, I cannot get over it. That run, jump flip thing she did to get into the “silent people retreat” was beyond unnecessary.  For the record, she just needed him to to lift her up not that acro vault routine she performed. Side note, I couldn’t want to be anywhere LESS than at a silent retreat where I sleep in dirt huts.

“You did the deed??” “No, I fell in love.” Did. The. Deed. Wow Kaylie. You might as well have used something equally as offensive like “let him in your secret garden” or something. And then no, Peyson you did not fall in love in that tent. You sweat a gross amount and woke up with pit stains, that’s what you did.

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