Charlie’s Angels

Fine, I'll be the one to address the impressive job at collecting a racially diverse group of angels.

So I know Charlie’s Angels was cancelled, but I had been gathering some thoughts over several episodes and thought I might as well post it… better luck next time ABC – at least you have Revenge working out for you.  Note: This was written a while back, I’m not taking the time to edit now that it has been cancelled.


Alright, I’m not gonna lie – I really like Charlie’s Angels.  I know, I know.. trust me I’m not getting attached I know it’s looking like a dismal future, but still.  It’s fascinatingly bad.  Like a mix of the pretty people on Gossip Girl, the cheesiness of CSI: Miami, and the outrageousness of all supernatural shows I love (even though this show is not supernatural)… with a combination like that, how could I NOT like it?

I watched the pilot and refrained from blogging, but now that I’m going to watch the next few episodes of the show, it’s time to bring some issues to light.  First of all, I’ll accept that the outrageous premise of this show is not by any means new, and is just an excuse to have hot girls ‘fighting’ crime and being badass, so I’ll try to leave that out of every post.  To compliment, I like the girls, and by like I mean I LOVE Minka Kelly (but please tell me who DOESN’T love her, FYI, it’s NO ONE who watched Friday Night Lights) Moving on though.. A few notes from the pilot:

–It was rough times until Minka came into the picture.. just sayin

–Blonde one has got some ATTITUDE

–hahah but wait, really?  The Russian with the photographic memory?  And also, really.. you heard about her at MIT (ps of course you went there) and thought she was a myth? … hmm right

–Apple must be paying a pretty penny for all the plugging that is happening in this show.  Understand it, but really?

Next episode:

–OF COURSE they need to pose as run-way models, and then be forced to sprint barefoot without breaking a sweat.  But ughhhh, do they HAVE to do those terrible, lame cheesy puns about things? “Well, SHE certainly knows how to make a SPLASH” .. gross. Cheesy lines like that always remind me of Horatio from CSI: Miami and those awful sunglasses — who wants to mimic that??

–“I’ll check his alibi” (reads prescription on his pills) HAHA reading his pill bottle is considering ‘checking out the alibi’?  That’s some solid background work right there

–The rest of this episode is so preposterous with the model house situation… things aren’t looking up for this show.

CUBA Episode

–Their “prison uniforms”…. i mean NO, those fashionable form-fitting bell-bottoms with fitted button ups????? WHO DECIDED THAT?  As if ANY prison, let alone one in communist Cuba has prisoners who are allowed to look like that.

–Ongoing problem… the fact that they are the LEAST slick talking to themselves/into their earpieces.  PEOPLE WOULD NOTICE these beautiful people seemingly talking into their sleeves.  At least try to pretend like it’s real

–Oh good, going for some reasonable truthfulness in this episode when the girls aren’t able to just waltz out of Cuban prison.  Thank you for someone stepping up on that situation.

–Let’s go back to the whole Cuba plotline really quickly.  I get that this particular episode is a remake from an ‘iconic original,’ but seriously?  Times have changed, Cuba and the US?…Don’t exactly get along.  Are they choosing to ignore that whole diplomatic embargo that doesn’t allow Americans to visit Cuba for fun?  Can someone at least PRETEND to do their job in the fact checking department?

–Oh and back to their outfits.. they can only look drab for so long (and I use the term drab lightly here) before they are forced to look amazingly perfect again.  Typical.

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2 thoughts on “Charlie’s Angels

  1. Duncan says:

    Blasphemy! LOL Just kidding. Ive read similar things on other blogs. Ill take your word for it. Stay solid! your pal.

  2. Deondre says:

    I feel like you could probably teach a class on how to make a great blog. This is fantastic! I have to say, what really got me was your design. You certainly know how to make your blog more than just a rant about an issue. Youve made it possible for people to connect. Good for you, because not that many people know what theyre doing.

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