Revenge S1E7 There was WAY to much Tyler in this

Does anyone listen or understand Emily’s narrations? ‘

Hampton’s most Perfect Couple?  Really?  Was there a vote on that?  Oh!!!  Maybe there was a campaign a la Lying Game’s Homecoming Queen race.. you know

Why is Ashley always in the Grayson House?  What exactly is her job?  Events planner slash right hand man?  One who just hangs around until either Emily shows up and needs someone to talk to or Victoria needs her to give a tour of the garden.  It seems strange.  Wait, not even joking, I finished typing that thought and then comes this scene:

I also normally sit around my employer's house on my ipad when no one is speaking to me.

REALLY??  She’s just casually standing right beside them playing on her iPad, just waiting to awkwardly be summoned into the conversation??  Is her presence really….

Why is Nolan SO obsessed with Jack and Emily getting together?  It seems unusually invested in the relationship of two people who actually can’t stand being around him.  In fact, he has paid both of them separately to be around him.  I don’t get it..

I’m confused why Tyler needed to make that fake call to listen to Emily and Daniel (who could easily be heard from the glass door you left open.   Why could he not just leave the room on his accord, must he fake call himself on Daniel’s phone?   HE IS SO WEIRD (and ugly but that’s beside the point, we know there’s a sudden drought of attractive actors on television — but since they have Josh Bowman, we’ll let that slide)  I’m going to try that next time I want to eavesdrop on my roommate from the next room – slyly steal her phone, turn my ringer on loud, call myself from her phone, and then duck out.  All so I don’t have to tell her that I’m walking away, and also count on her not looking at her phone until I finish the fake call.  I’m pretty sure it is going work out well

Hey Erik Van Der Woodsen, oh how I missed your gross gelled -to-look-dirty hair and questionable sometimes accent.  Oh right, and also the fact that your name is DECLAN and you wear rings on almost all of your fingers, INCLUDING THUMBS.  I replayed him saying “That’s how we do it on the docks” four times for a good laugh and to help identify the line as that accent used is not one found in nature.  As if your scrawny ass “works on the docks” and if you are referring to shucking oysters as “working the docks,” you need to do some better research to coverup your new identity since you’ve runaway from the Upper East Side (I’m still convinced and can only hope that this show is actually connected to Gossip Girl and this is where Erik has gone to “college”)  ABC, where are the vocal coaches when you need them?  I’m pretty sure Old Italian Mobster is NOT the accent intended for Declan.

Creepy unemployed Frank who apparently doesn’t shower and or shave is a little insane.  Who doesn’t take that LARGE amount of money and walk away?

Okay, let’s just take a moment to clarify what’s happening here.  Emily’s former Warden from the Juvie days as Amanda has helped her take on a fake identity and seek revenge against an community of people.  I’m no expert (as my knowledge of Wardens pretty much is based on character from Shawshank Redemption and Holes) but I would assume that Wardens, employees of the government, that work with murdering teens don’t tend to get cozy with the inmates and help them ruin people’s lives.  Ruin in this case varies from social outcasting to death.  Seems like a stretch. I’ll definitely ask the next Warden I come across what the proper protocol is for convicts turned socialites. Side note, I wonder if she also helped with the makeover from goth to prep and helped bleach her hair blonde.

Victoria the playaaa – apparently was hooking up with David Clark, Frank AND her hubby back in the day?  All while wearing pink fitted satin skirt suits?… wow

GOT IT!!  Finally decided – Tyler looks like a mix of Conan O’Brien and..oh wait no I don’t. I’ll keep you posted.

Again, WHO is conducting this whole Warden plot??  There is NO way it is that easy to break into her office…. IN a juvenile detention center.  It’s okay I get it, if I were writing a show in the Hamptons, I wouldn’t bother leaving the beach to check facts on such trivial matters either.

AND OMG.  We’ll get back to THIS overtly slow and sexual confrontation resulting in a ‘gay hustler’ plotline that is so casually and awkwardly thrown at us, do people still even say hustler???? I’m pretty sure that after THIS song came out, the term was officially retired unless you are a black rapper.

WTF!!!???? TYLER AND NOLAN???  I mean we know Tyler has been obsessed with Daniel, but it was understandable because it was Josh Bowman – who isn’t.  BUT really??  I can only hope this “negotiation” involving blackmail and prostitution does not result in a relationship between these two awkward fellas.  Ugh the con people conning the con people is confusing. But of course, a sex-tape trumps all, no contest.

Aww Em and Dan – I feel this an appropriate preface to L-Word.

YESSSS I LOVE Goth Juvie Amanda. What a great ending.

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